Wednesday 15 August 2007

Tooting Curry Club

The first rule of Tooting Curry Club is you need to like curry.
The second rule of Tooting Curry Club is it helps if you live in Tooting.

That's about it. The aim is simple. Having sampled the delights of Mirch Masala, a few of us noted the veritable smorgasbord of curry houses in the Tooting area. Why not try and do them all, we mused. Perhaps we would uncover some gems hidden in the back streets. If nothing else it would give us a chance to meet up regularly and eat curry! Surely a beautiful combination. I moved in last Sunday, the 12th of August, and we need to start quickly if we are to break the back of the many places on offer

So prepare for our first entry this weekend. We will be hitting Lahore which is by all accounts a gem of a venue and a recent receiver of awards. Looking like a shabby canteen, we cannot wait to test out its delights.

Watch out for the review that follows and a probable announcement of our manifesto. We will need to come up with scales to rate each restaurant/cafe/shack and to work out how best to categorise their many good and bad offerings. One might have amazing atmosphere but average food, or great service but terrible beer. We will try and cover all the angles.

See you next week.



Matt said...

i've just had my 4th grog bog of the morning. think the curry might have something to do with it..

Great curry though!

The Guy Next Door said...

Great Blog - I am quite tempted to visit some of these now.

How about reviewing Mirch Masala too ? Thats the only one I have ever been in Tooting and I must say I was VERY impressed with the food. Would be interesting to see what TCC thinks of it

Berry7 said...


The reason we haven't done it yet is we already love it and wanted to get a few others doen first. Plus we all want to be there when it happens so logistically it's a bit of a nightmare.

Thanks for the feedback. was starting to think no one was reading. Next visit is on Friday so review early next week!

Cheers mate.


Eric Emel said...

Great blog - I am moving to the area (today!)and am a huge curry fan, will definitely be trying some of you recommendations.

Let me know if you ever need 2 additions to the testing team!


Berry7 said...

Hi Eric.

We're out tonight actually. If you want in let me know.

If not visitors always welcome. As long as you're not lunatics like. Or disgruntled curry house owners.



Eric Emel said...

Cheers Berry7

I am literally moving tonight and tomorrow - so no can do. Would love to attend in the future though, possibly next weekend if not after xmas for sure.
